Archaeological Survey

Nowadays, the Cultural Heritage survey, in particular the archaeological sites’ one, must guarantees velocity of execution, accuracy and low cost.

The modern and available survey techniques are based on laser scanning and close range photogrammetrical and UAV.

The knowledge and programmatic approach applied to the methods of survey and restitution of the Cultural Heritage starts from the definition given by the art. 29 of the Cultural Heritage Code, where ” the conservation of the Cultural Heritage is ensured by a coherent, coordinate and planned activity of study, prevention, maintenance and restoration”.

In this definition it is considered the survey activity as a complex study that requires a global approach in the models, knowledge strategies and scientific methodologies definition.

Saqqara’s excavation campaign – Egypt

Umm El Dabadib – Egypt

Metropolitana di Napoli – Naples

 Claudio’s Aqueduct – Rome

Diana’s temple – Nemi, Rome

DSCN9739 (1136 x 852)DSCN9756 (1136 x 852)

Tarquinia, Tomba del Demone Azzurro
DSCN3214 (972 x 1296) DSCN3220 (972 x 1296)
Fori Imperiali, Rome Santa Maria Antiqua Church

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